WOW Visual Design
本書籍はWOWが手がけた代表的なオリジナル作品をまとめた作品集であるだけでなく、WOWの理念に共鳴し、数多くのコラボレーションを行ったクリエイターとの対話を収録。田川欣哉氏(Takram)、グエナエル・ ニコラ氏(CURIOSITY)ら、世界最前線の4組のクリエイターに、現代におけるビジュアルデザインの動向を問い、WOWの立ち位置や存在を紐解いていく。
設立10周年の2007年には、WOW所属クリエイター5組と、彼らがリスペクトする各表現分野で 活躍する5組のクリエイターを迎え、「過去の10年の再構築」と「これからの10年」を表現テーマに、DVD付きアートブック「WOW10」を製作したWOW。本書はその続編であるとともに、これからのWOWとビジュアルアートの未来を俯瞰する試みである。
Visual designs have been rapidly extended to wider media among video and interactive installations, short films, mobile applications and user interface design. This book showcases the work created in WOW’s 15 years for a wide range of original visual works as well as commercial projects from interactive installations to video works and mobile applications.
This book is not only a collection that brings together the key original works that WOW has produced but also contains dialogues with the many creators who have resonated with WOW’s principles and have collaborated with them in the past. These dialogues feature four groups of creators working at the forefront of the international design industry, including figures like Kinya Tagawa (Takram) and Gwenael Nicolas (CURIOSITY), and questions are posed to them on visual design trends in the modern age, helping to build a greater understanding of WOW’s position and existence within the industry.
In 2007, 10 years after WOW’s founding, we called upon the five creative groups working under the studio as well as another five working in various expressive fields who were well respected by WOW’s own members in order to produce “WOW10,” a DVD and artbook set which centered around the expressive themes of “reconstructing the last ten years” and “the next ten years.” And along with acting as a continuation of that project, this book aims to offer an outlook on the future of both WOW and the visual arts in general.

1. 田川欣哉
2. グエナエル・ニコラ
3. ムラート・タバンロール & メルカン・グーセル・タバンロール
建築家/Tabanlıoğlu Architects/イスタンブール
4. リガヤ・サラザー
キュレーター/Victoria and Albert Museum/ロンドン
1.Kinya Tagawa
Design Engineer / Takram / Tokyo
2. Gwenael Nicolas
Designer / CURIOSITY / Tokyo
3. Tabanlıoğlu Architects & Melkan Gürsel
Architecture / Tabanlıoğlu Architects / Istanbul
4. Ligaya Salazar
Curator / Victoria and Albert Museum / London
Hardcover: 178 pages with a plastic sleeve
Language: English and Japanese
ISBN: 978-4-9903549-1-6
Product Dimensions: 31.1cm x 23cm x 2cm