Discover Japan_CREATORS 世界を変えるWOWの仕事術
日本の「モノ」、「コト」、「人」の魅力を再発見する月刊誌『Discover Japan』による、別冊ムック本「Discover Japan_CREATORS」シリーズ。一冊まるごと、いちクリエイターを紐解いていく本シリーズの第二弾として『世界を変えるWOWの仕事術』が、2018年3月30日に刊行。
“Discover Japan” is a monthly book that rediscovers the charm of Japan’s “substance,” “matter,” and “people,” and this is the series from its separate volume magazine, “Discover Japan_CREATORS.” The entire book focuses on one creator’s works, and our works have been selected as their second edition, “WOW’s Work Method and Changing World,” which published on March 30th, 2018.

(『Discover Japan_CREATORS 世界を変えるWOWの仕事術」より引用』)
トヨタ、SHISEIDO、ISSEY MIYAKE、ポケモンといった企業と制作した作品を、当時の担当者らと対談。加えてビジュアルデザイナー座談会、WOWのデザイン変遷など、WOWの歩んできた軌跡が凝縮された一冊となった。
The visual design studio founded in Sendai, Tohoku area of Japan, and now has the office based in Tokyo, London, and San Francisco. “Anything we see is the subject of design.” According to those words, their expression is not only at video, but they have been able to expand the field to space, art, architecture, and products, etc with the times. WOW’s design shakes the world with an innovative presentation, and will stay in many people’s mind timelessly. Their eyes are turning towards future already.
(Quotation from “Discover Japan_CREATORS, WOW’s Work Method and Changing the World”)
In the publication, we interviewed the clients such as Toyota, SHISEIDO, ISSEY MIYAKE, and Pokemon to discuss each project. Additionally, visual designers have a round-table discussion on the changes in WOW's design, and the condensation of traces of the path WOW has traveled.